Global Youth Voices: Pre-COP27 Youth and Climate Engagement

In a significant step towards addressing climate change, Action for Environment spearheaded a vital initiative that gathered over 80 participants, including youth, government representatives, and marginalized groups. This event, supported by the Swedish Government/SIDA and facilitated by UNDP, served as an enlightening platform to deepen the understanding of the COP/UN FCCC process, focusing on Somalia’s specific concerns for COP27.

Key discussions centered on critical issues such as loss and damage, enhancing access to funding for youth and civil society organizations, and the formulation of a comprehensive communique to outline the summit’s outcomes. Furthermore, the event highlighted the proactive measures undertaken by Somali youth in their fight against climate change, showcasing their commitment and contributions to this global challenge.

The initiative also emphasized the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders to ensure that the voices of those most affected by climate change—particularly marginalized communities—are heard in decision-making processes. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences and suggestions on how to effectively engage their communities in climate action and advocacy. As part of the event’s outcomes, a series of action-oriented initiatives was proposed, aimed at equipping attendees with practical skills in organizing grassroots campaigns and securing funding for climate initiatives. By empowering these diverse groups, Action for Environment aims to build a resilient network of advocates who can effectively contribute to the climate discourse and hold relevant authorities accountable. The momentum generated from this initiative is expected to resonate as Somalia approaches COP27, reinforcing the notion that collective action is vital in addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change.


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