Climate Justice Advocacy and Influence Strategy Development

The workshop on climate justice advocacy and influence strategy development, organized by Oxfam-Somalia in collaboration with AACJ partners and facilitated by Tiir Consulting Inc., took place in Hargeisa from March 19th to March 20th, 2023.

The workshop provided a platform for organizations like Team Action for Environment (A4E) to enhance their capacity and role in advocating for climate justice. A4E participated in the two-day event with the goal of developing a robust strategy for climate advocacy. This strategy aimed to empower A4E to engage more actively in decision-making processes related to climate issues and to assume leadership roles within the advocacy space.

Key objectives of the workshop included:

  1. Strengthening the capacity of A4E and other participating organizations in climate advocacy.
  2. Developing effective advocacy and influencing strategies to advance the goals outlined in the Climate advocacy strategy.
  3. Identifying and leveraging existing networks and partnerships to amplify the impact of advocacy efforts.

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in discussions, brainstorming sessions, and practical exercises aimed at refining their advocacy strategies. They explored various approaches to advocacy, including grassroots mobilization, policy engagement, and media outreach. By the end of the workshop, A4E and other participants had developed a comprehensive strategy for climate advocacy tailored to their respective contexts. This strategy outlined clear objectives, target audiences, messaging frameworks, and action plans to drive meaningful change in the climate justice landscape.


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